May 08, 2011

Up in the air

I like to take the plane. I always liked to take the plane. Sometimes you get lucky , the  sky is clear; and you can see splendid landscapes.
J'aime prendre l'avion. J'ai toujours aimé prendre l'avion. Parfois j'ai de la chance, le ciel est bleu  et je peux observer quelques magnifiques paysages. 


  1. Hi Elisa !

    What splendid photos you have for us this week. I love to fly too and I really enjoy the way you have captured the shadows of the clouds on the earth below. If the sun is just the right angle, sometimes you can watch the plane's shadow, flying along like a twin beneath it. I hope that you take many more roads, just to see where they go, and many more flights ... and show us photos of all of them. Beautiful! Have a lovely week. Bisous.

  2. Oh, ça me donne le goût de partir en voyage! J'adore les nuages au dessus de l'horizon, on a vraiment l'impression de regarder à travers le hublot de l'avion. Trop cool!
